Saturday, January 1, 2011



It’s hard to believe 2010 is almost over and 2011 is just a few days away.  The weather is extremely cold and we have another storm rolling in.  I know if you live on the East coast this rain is nothing compared to your 4 feet of snow that fell overnight.

Anyways, this year has been great.  I have always considered myself health, but after I stopped eating meat and animal products then I realized my body could be even better.  So that is what I did.  It’s been over 6 months since I watched the “EARTHLINGS” documentary and read “The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted And the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, And Long-term Health”.  Of course I have gathered even more information since then from other sources.  One of the most interesting things that I learned is that most illnesses come from eating animal products.   There is a logical and good explanation for this and you can find out for yourself if you are interested.

One interesting fact that I found out is dietary cholesterol comes only from animal products.   I listed all the things bad for you below.

Mayo clinic:

In the end, I am happy to have a wonderful wife and excellent health. I hope you have an excellent new year too and thanks again for stopping by.

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